Everybody and their grandmother whines about finals week. “It’s the hardest part of the semester”…blah, blah, blah. Well, I don’t know what they’re smoking, but they’re straight-up wrong. Everyone knows finals week is a breeze. By the time the wrap-up exams roll around, your grade in any given class is pretty much solidified anyway. That coffin has been nailed shut, and if you haven’t achieved your desired grade by this point, well, just give up. A final isn’t going to change the end result of a semester worth of laziness and habitual slacking. So when they come around, don’t over-exert yourself. Look over some notes real quick and give it your best shot.

All this to say, finals week is not the hardest part of the semester. The week or two leading up to it is really the time to be feared. The supreme council of collegiate suffering has convened, and you (the innocent student) are their target. Brace yourself, kid. You have 9 papers due on Tuesday and 5 exams on Wednesday. These are followed by the 8 presentations that Thursday holds. Then, as the academic cherry on top, Friday brings about another 2 papers, a speech, and a 90-minute presentation on a topic that brings nausea to all who so much as hear your thesis statement. My advice to you: hold on. College might just demand some effort on your part this week. You’ll make it through, but probably just barely.


Welcome to college.


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