
My name’s Nate, and I’m a college kid.

College students everywhere are pursuing educations in a variety of fields. Papers spawn sweat on their brows. Exams strip them of the luxury of sleep. Burdensome credit loads and relentless academic bombardments often characterize the entirety of the college experience.

But there’s another side to this I’ll-be-paying-back-loans-for-the-majority-of-my-life coin.

There’s a side that says, “You’re not leaving your dorm, don’t wear pants today.”  There’s a side that says, “Yes, Febreeze is an acceptable substitute for legitimate clothes-washing.” And there’s a side that says, “Let’s walk to Wal-Mart at 4 a.m. in the rain. Because I want cake.”

This blog rejoices in that side of the college coin.

I need a nap.

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